Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Lottery "Stoning"

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is a short story where a community stones one of there own by choice of the lottery. Stoning, in a way, happens in todays communities even if you dont notice it. Our version of stoning isn't quite as harsh as physically throwing stones at someone but it could be just as hurtful. We dont 'stone' people by chance but we do punish people for things we don't want them to be doing. Even if we agree with what someone is doing that the community disapproves of, we'll shun them because that is what the community wants and believes should be done and we don't speak up in fear of being shunned ourselves. An example of this is when people dress, talk, or act different (actually there's a bunch of examples, that just sums it up) people aren't comfortable with change or things that are different so they look away or shun those that are different. This doesn't happen as often now these days but it definitely still happens and it's a pretty sad site to see.


  1. Well said. Small towns don't like change, whether it's businesses or new people coming in to the community.

  2. I like the connection you made with our way of stoning in today's society.

  3. Shunning is a useful parallel.
