Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Alway be polite and say 'yes mam or no mam' 'yes sir or no sir. Always say thank you when someone does something nice for you and don't forget to smile, it lets people know your friendly and you mean it. Always be sure to hold doors open for people especially ladies and elders. Don't talk back to anyone, especially o me and your father, it's rude and you need to learn how to listen better, your mouth gets you in trouble quite a lot. "but what if they started it and aren't being fair?" LIfe isn't always fair sweetie and you need to learn how to overcome obstacles in your life without using your fists and harsh words. Now, when you talk to ladies always be nice and treat them with respect, they like that and good girls always go after good boys. It helps to wear clean cloths too, not cloths you pick up off the floor or out of the dirty laundry. "but sometimes the shirts I pick out smell fine..." Always look, smell and feel your best, it's good for you and make people see that your a good boy and you know how to take care of yourself. Do as your mother tells you and you'll find yourself going places and being a happy person, one day you'll find yourself a nice young lady and you'll be thanking me for telling you how to be respectful.


  1. I like how you added the boys dialect! The dialect sounded so much like what a boy would really say "the shirts I pick out smell fine" haha totally something my brother would say and do! well done

  2. Lol thanks I didn't really realize I was even doing that XD

  3. Yes, it seems that boys re-wear clothes and pick thing up off the floor our out of the dirty laundry basket. That detail alone made me feel as if this was a real boy.
